The Centre for National Distance Learning and Open Schooling, in partnership with Plan Ghana, Dubai Cares, FCDO and UKAID has recently constructed, furnished and commissioned its multimedia content production studios at its offices in Roman Ridge, Accra.
The studios, commissioned within the second quarter of 2022, by the Honourable Minister for Education, Dr. Osei Yaw Adutwum, is to facilitate the production of quality and relevant digital educational content to enhance the delivery of digital and distance learning in Ghana.
The facility comprises 5 studios fitted with ultra-modern studio equipment and other related digital technologies for electronic content production. The facility has the capacity to undertake production of both online content in real time, as well as offline content.
The day-to-day administration of the studios as well as content production and other related activities are managed by a competent studio administrator and a seasoned studio manager respectively.
It remains the vision of the Executive Director of CENDLOS to further develop the studios into a fully-equipped multifunctional digital technology centre, with the capacity and capabilities to produce end-to-end multimedia content for various digital platforms.
In the interim, the following are the immediate ways in
which the Executive Director envisions that the studios would be used:
• Content production for Basic schools,Complimentary Education Agency (CEA) and Tertiary, Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
A huge educational content deficit remains across the afore-cited categories of education in Ghana. The needs for an evidence-based approach to teaching and learning also remains an imperative to successful education delivery. The studios will therefore be used to produce instructional and practical content to help bridge the learning gap and to enhance the instructional and experiential aspects of learning.
• Capacity building
The vision of the Ministry of Education to Reimagine Education in Ghana cannot be successfully prosecuted without competently
qualified stakeholders, especially educational instructors. The CENDLOS studios will be instrumental in digitally retooling and upskilling various stakeholders in education in order to enable them deliver optimally.
• STEM Education
As the vision of the Minister to transform the education sector into one that is underpinned by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, it is envisioned that the studios will play a vital role in demystifying, promoting, teaching and generating sustainable and equitable access to STEM education in Ghana.
While the transition to a STEM-based educational system remains crucial, holistic education requires that STEM subjects are effectively
and seamlessly integrated with the Arts across relevant education disciplines in order to maximize returns on educational investments. The CENDLOS studios will play a key role in bridging that gap.
• Civic Education
In collaboration with various state and non-state actors, the studios will be employed in the production and dissemination of civic education content in order to ensure that civic duties and responsibilities are rightly inculcated into students as well as the citizenry of Ghana
• Partnerships
Leadership of CENDLOS recognizes that the private sector remains a critical stakeholder in education. The agency will therefore continue
to forge strategic partnerships with stakeholders in order to co-create quality content and programmes for learners.
CENDLOS has developed a number of initiatives which are aimed at, among others, enhancing digital and distance education delivery and
skills development, while generating revenue for the maintenance of the studios. A brief description of some of these initiatives is captured as follows:
• CENDLOS Tech Talk
A webinar series to be organised on a monthly basis. Relevant topical and non-topical issues within the Virtual Education and Technology space will be discussed. A resource person will speak on the topic after which there will be contributions, questions and answers from virtual participants.
• CENDLOS EduTech Fair
An annual virtual ICT, digital and distance learning exhibition. This initiative seeks to bring together key local and international players including tech giants, thought leaders, educational institutions, global institutions and their relevant agencies and other relevant stakeholders in Online/Distance Education and ICT.
• CENDLOS Virtual Mentorship Programme & Leadership Engagement Series:
A virtual mentorship initiative where statesmen, distinguished personalities and other accomplished individuals will mentor youths virtually.
This is a Virtual Educational Tourism Initiative to enable students across the country and even outside Ghana to go on virtual tours to important destinations in Ghana e.g. educational institutions, tourist sites, heritage sites, industries etc.
The above list of initiatives is not exhaustive. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to engage with leadership of CENDLOS to explore the full list of initiatives and to partner with the agency to execute specific initiatives.
The operationalization of the CENDLOS studios marks an important step in the process of transforming Ghana’s education to respond to the needs of Education 4.0 and other national, regional and global imperatives. The future of education is digital. Therefore, the studios must be given the necessary support in order to be deployed effectively to yield optimum benefits to the Ministry of Education and to Ghana at large.