The iBox
The iBox system is Ghana’s offline technology, designed and deployed for under-privileged students to access quality educational content, without internet connectivity and its associated cost. The system has browsing capabilities (i.e. without need for internet connectivity). The IBOX has a compatible software and eContent in four formats (text, audio-visual ,interactive practical and questions & answers) for offline classroom without internet cost.
Old iBox Version
New iBox Version
Features of the iBOX
Assessments Engine
Support multiple types of questions and a variety of test types. Facilitate extensive reporting on test results.
Surveys Engine
Collect and analyze survey responses.
Scorm & TinCan
Support the latest industry standard on content interoperability.
Files repository /Library
Organize, reuse and share files with selected users.
Files repository /Library
Organize, reuse and share files with selected users.
Learning Paths
Restrict the way courses can be completed or course content can be viewed.
The iCampusGH on the other hand is the online version of the e-learning solution. It is designed to engage students while they are away from school and on vacation. The currently has over one million three hundred students enrolled but with a little over three hundred thousand as active users.